Guitar Amplifier Repair in Newark (Nottingham)

EXCITING NEWS January 2024: A new engineer has joined the repair team, job turnaround times are improving significantly (typically 1-2 weeks) and the waiting list is shrinking for the first time in 3 years! 

Same day turnaround jobs are still available on the express service for those customers who need urgent amp repair. This service is subject to parts availability.

SUPER EXCITING NEWS October 2023: The first pedal building workshop in October was a massive success with all eight participants completing their fuzz face pedals. Well done everyone! Next one is in January!

AWESOME NEWS January 2023: I’ve moved to a new premises on Hardy’s Industrial estate in Farndon, on the edge of Newark.


Keld Ampworks is a guitar amplifier repair service repairing audio electronic equipment in Newark (near Nottingham). I provide a fast and friendly service that is competitively priced. Some repairs can even be completed while you wait! Please have a look around, I’ve repaired amplifiers by all of the main manufacturers (Fender, Marshall, Vox, Peavey, Laney, Mesa Boogie) and kept my customers’ boutique and unusual designs (Cornford, Carvin, Dr Z) in top condition.

Most of the amps that I fix are valve amplifier repairs, but I do see plenty of solid state amplifiers too. I’m happy to work on modern amplifiers like Line 6 and Hughes and Kettner, but equally comfortable restoring vintage amps. Besides guitar amps, I also repair bass amps, keyboard amps and guitar/bass wiring.

Update January 2024: Thanks to an increase in the team and a larger premises I can now also take on PA equipment, speakers, keyboards and PA Mixer repairs. At this time (January 2024) I’m not available for work on DJ and home HiFi equipment. For valve HiFi I recommend contacting Classic Valve Amps in Nottingham.

I’m pleased to say that I’ve had many happy customers – if you’d like to check out some reviews of my service, please visit the feedback page (pun intended!). If your beloved guitar amplifier or bass amplifier is in need of repair, servicing, upgrading or modifying, then please do get in touch to discuss your needs.

My History in Guitar Amp Repair

Keld Ampworks Guitar amp repair was established in 2010 and moved to Newark (Nottingham) in 2012. Before Keld I studied with the Maughan Amplifier Company, a well-respected guitar amplifier repair and manufacturer in the North of England. I gained extensive experience of amp servicing in this position and during my time doing repairs and sales for Gear4Music in York. Although guitar amps are relatively simple, when repairing gear it’s important to have a thorough understanding of the theoretical as well as the practical and for this reason I completed a Masters in Electronic Engineering from the University of York.

As well as the repair and design of guitar and bass amplifiers, I worked for 7 years as a development engineer designing amplifiers for Ampetronic Ltd, a world-leading audio engineering company specialising in Audio Frequency Induction Loops. Keld Ampworks became so busy that I had to leave that job to focus on the repair industry. In 2023 I moved the business to a new industrial premises in Farndon. This move allowed me the space to expand the repair team in 2024, taking on a second engineer to repair guitar amps.   

As an active musician, playing in a range of different bands, I really do understand how crucial it is to have your gear in top condition!

Recent Amp Repairs

Here’s the work I’ve been doing recently:

Mains voltage in the UK and the EU
There seems to be some confusion about mains voltage in the UK: whether the UK is on 230VAC mains or Read more
ENGL amp repair - Screamer 50
I don't get many ENGL amp repair, so I was a bit annoyed with myself for not photographing this one. Read more
This LabGruppen repair was actually for me! As is often the case with people in this trade, I never quite Read more
JHS pedal repair
This is a JHS pedal repair for a good friend and guitarist who now works in London. It's a two Read more
Blackstar HT100 repair
This Blackstar HT100 repair was completed for the co owner of an exciting new Grantham based venture 'Melody Music Rooms' Read more
Because the Hot Rod Deluxe is the world's most popular valve amp [citation needed], I get a Hot Rod Deluxe Read more
Peavey Classic 30 repair
This Peavey Classic 30 repair was a bit of a nightmare! It arrived with a fairly basic problem - the Read more
Polytone Minibrute repair
This Polytone Minibrute Repair came in from a Lincoln customer with an obnoxious hum problem. This unit is probably form Read more
AMI jukebox repair
Another first for Keld Ampworks - the first AMI Jukebox repair. I've turned down jukebox repairs in the past because Read more
Are valve amps louder than solid state amps?
Actually, let's start with a slightly different question... Are valve amps louder than solid state amps? Yes, valve amps often Read more