Fender Mustang Repair

This Fender Mustang Repair Internal was a fiddly job, but quickly completed. Unlike many of the expensive and vintage fender valve amps that I often get in for repair, low cost amps like the Fender Mustang, whilst they represent good value for money, must be completed quickly in order for them to be economical for the customer.


This Fender Mustang had fallen foul of an incident involving the customer’s wife, some headphones and the hoover! The amp’s headphone jack was damaged and rendered unusable. As the sockets are quite flimsy, the cusomer asked me to ‘upgrade’ the Aux in at the same time.

Replacing jack sockets is an easy job on many amps, but this one was a little fiddly. Because of the small size of the amp, the replacement socket had to not only be sturdier than the original, but also less than 9mm long! It took a bit of searching but I was able to find one to allow me to complete the Fender Mustang repair.fender-mustang-repair-mcu

Whilst inside, I took a few photos of the ‘brains’ of the unit, a Freescale DSP and an ARM microcontroller.

If you have a Fender Mustang Repair, please send me a message
